EN Paint it black We all thought we were so unique, so different, but in the end we were pretty much all the same.
EN Tombstone I know it’s been a damn long while since you saw me around these parts. Here, I brought you flowers.
EN Bet again Are we bound to carry our flaws until our legs fail; until our heart quits; until our mind snaps? Can we really escape ourselves?
EN Coming home Mother, I’m coming back home. I miss the smell of your love-stuffed meals; you pressing me to help myself to another serving.
FR Une dernière ride de char Avais-tu les mains sur le volant, juste avant de partir? Pendant que le gaz s’infiltrait en silence dans l’auto, étais-tu conscient d’où tu t’en allais?
EN Try Listen, I know it ain’t easy. I know the tears come more often than we’d like them to. And I won’t lie to you: it won’t get any easier. It never will. But it’s alright. The heartbreaks, the pain, the anxiety, the struggles… it’s all alright
EN Dreams It doesn't happen every night. I could tell you it did, but I won't pretend to be tormented on a daily basis. Still, it happens at least once a month.
EN Creekside There’s a guy standing at a busy crossroads. He’s smoking a cigarette, oblivious to the cars and lights flashing past him.
FR Dose Votre voiture automatique, polie chaque week-end, vos enfants, polis en public, vos parents, fiers, vos voisins, jaloux, votre job, payant, votre vie, illusoire.
EN Crazy I guess the day you accept you’re crazy is the day you find peace. Nothing else matters, that kind of shit. Everybody’s crazy, you know.
EN Summer evening (part 3) Campfire’s burning slowly. It’s a dark, quiet night. We’re out of town, miles away from any urban center.
EN Summer evening (part 2) It’s been a long, hot day. As the sun went down though, wind got stronger. It’s colder now. People wear sweaters and shorts. It’s the kind of summer evening us folks in Quebec are used to.
EN Summer evening A pair of beautiful legs, barely hidden by a colourful summer dress. Killer stare, killer smile. There’s a friend by her side playing the guitar, doing a great job.
FR Les immortels Les immortels sont ceux qui font l'amour. Ceux qui s'abandonnent sans retenue dans l'autre, ceux qui sacrifient leur individualité au profit d'une union immensément plus grande.
EN Sherbrooke cafés I’ve been wandering through Sherbrooke cafés all day. Wondering where my mind has gone. Maybe I should ask the Pixies.
FR Petites âmes soeurs On n’a jamais vraiment eu de chances, toi et moi. Nos passés nous ont hantés à tour de rôle, et on a eu de la difficulté à synchroniser nos battements de cœurs à travers toutes nos peurs.
EN Scenes that just won't die ME: Turn off the TV. I don't want to see the big headlines anymore. We've got everything we need right here, right now; we've got a thousand little things.
FR Le bonheur est un nomade Une bonne amie à moi m’a surpris, il y a quelques jours, avec une question d’une simplicité brutale : « Es-tu heureux, Franck? »
EN Just a kiss She’s just a girl… just a girl. Ah! But can’t you read the irresistible invitation of her curves?
EN What if I told you this What if I told you your smile can kill my fear of death? Would you believe me, or would you tell me to stop being such a troubled poet?
FR Une décennie d'absence Le paysage est ennuyeux ; les étendues vertes et grises autour de l’autoroute ne divertissent pas l’œil du voyageur.
FR Reviens Je sais que t'es malheureux mon vieux. Je le sais parce que toi t'as toujours menti, mais pas tes yeux bleu houleux.